TODAY.AZ / Politics

Conference on occupation of Nagorno Karabakh and Khojaly Genocide held in Turkey

23 February 2011 [16:50] - TODAY.AZ
Azerbaijan's consulate general in Istanbul and Federation Combating Groundless Armenian Claims held a conference “Occupation of Nagorno Karabakh and Khojaly Genocide” in Turkish city of Yalova.

Azerbaijan`s Consul General Hasan Zeynalov gave detailed information about the genocide committed by Armenia against the Azerbaijani civilians in Khojaly.

Azeri parliamentarian Ganira Pashayeva spoke about the acts of vandalism committed by Armenia in the occupied Azerbaijani territories, destruction of Azerbaijani historical, cultural, religious monuments, acts of genocide, including Khojaly genocide committed against Azerbaijani civilians, one million Azerbaijani refugees and IDPs.

“Khojaly genocide being the genocide against Turks is the problem of the entire Turkic world. The entire Turkic world must take active steps for the punishment of the perpetrators, condemnation and recognition of this genocide by the world,” she said.

Addressing the event, Turkish public and political figures, scientists and heads of NGOs also condemned Armenia for Khojaly genocide.

A photo-exhibition describing Khojaly genocide was organized within the conference. A book written in Turkish by PhD in political sciences, MP Ganira Pashayeva and member of the Azerbaijani community of Nagorno Karabakh Havva Mammadova - “Khojaly genocide: through eyes of witnesses” was presented at the event.

The book contains memories of the witnesses and Khojaly residents suffered from severe tortures during the Armenian captivity and hostage, statements of national leader Heydar Aliyev and President Ilham Aliyev on this tragedy, messages of Azerbaijani Milli Majlis to the world parliaments.


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