TODAY.AZ / Voice of Diaspora

Nagorno-Karabakh conflict focused on in Berlin

16 October 2010 [13:03] - TODAY.AZ
The society of development of the German-Azerbaijani relations held in the Bundestag press center in Berlin an action devoted to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

In the action devoted to the topic "Violence, aggression and war don`t lead to peace and welfare" attending was the ambassador of Azerbaijan to Germany Parviz Shahbazov, deputies of parliament of Germany, representatives of various public and Diaspora organizations, the State Committee on Work with Diaspora said.

On the action passed under the chairmanship of the employee of “German Wave” media body Lutz Lischtfus, delivered were numerous reports.

The former member of the Bundestag, the chief executive of the Society of Development of the German-Azerbaijani relations Edward Lintner noted that 20% of the Azerbaijani lands still remain under occupation of Armenia, and the efforts undertaken by the international community recently on settlement of peace give no result because of non-constructive position of Armenia. He underlined that in the modern world the violence and aggression are unacceptable, and to change the borders or to grasp new lands in this way is impossible.

Addressing the participants, Charles-George Welman told that the organization he represents is disturbed that negotiations on settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict were at a deadlock, and hopes that in the near future the negotiations would yield fruit. He has informed that at the summit of OSCE coming in December in Astana in which the Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel will take part, conflicts on the Caucasus will be one of the major topics.

He noted that latest developments show uselessness of hopes of opening of the Turkish-Armenian border without settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. In case of conflict settlement, it will lead to improvement of relations of Armenia with both countries and to increase of its economic welfare, he emphasized.

Then, speaking was S. Patser-Ismayilova on the theme "The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict – the facts and consequences".

Azerbaijan's ambassador P. Shahbazov informed on the current situation of the negotiations carried out with the intermediary of the OSCE Minsk group.


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