TODAY.AZ / Politics

Azerbaijan demands to remove anti-Azerbaijani film from German-French TV air and website

21 July 2010 [11:35] - TODAY.AZ
Azerbaijan has urged to withdraw anti-Azerbaijani film from the air and website of the German-French channel ARTE TV.
ARTE TV aired and posted on its website a film by Jean-Marie Barre called "Haut Karabagh: Gomchassar", where the realities of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict have been distorted.

The Azerbaijani Embassy in France sent a protest letter to ARTE TV President Jerome Clement, as well as vice-president of the company (every three years, representatives of Germany and France occupy these posts one by one). The letter reflected details of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and its grave consequences and raised channel leadership's attention about Azerbaijan's position, Azerbaijani Ambassador to France Elchin Amirbeyov said.

The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. Armenian armed forces have occupied 20 percent of Azerbaijan since 1992, including the Nagorno-Karabakh region and 7 surrounding districts.

Azerbaijan and Armenia signed a ceasefire agreement in 1994. The co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group - Russia, France, and the U.S. - are currently holding the peace negotiations.

Armenia has not yet implemented the U.N. Security Council's four resolutions on the liberation of the Nagorno-Karabakh region and the occupied territories.

The Embassy condemned the films shot under the influence of the Armenian diaspora, and noted that it is detrimental to solving the problem.

The embassy proposed ARTE TV to shot a movie showing the real situation in regard to the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict to ensure dissemination of material with a balanced position.

The Embassy awaitis a response from the leadership of the channel and takes other appropriate measures.


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