TODAY.AZ / World news

Saakashvili: Georgia's return to Russia's sphere of influence will impact West

19 February 2010 [17:35] - TODAY.AZ
Georgia's return to Russia's sphere of influence  will close the region's markets and access to Central Asian resources, and will deprive Europe and NATO of a partner, said Mikheil Saakashvili, President of Georgia, during his speech at the Chatham House in London.

He promised to help Europe to diversify supplies of energy resources bypassing Russia.

He added that if the access to energy resources is cut, in case of cold winter Russia can shut the valve and literally make Europe shiver.

The Georgian leader said that gas deposits discovered in Georgia make it a good partner in energy sphere.

He also accused the world community of not explaining Russia the inadmissibility of its actions in South Ossetia in 2008.

"I'm worried today that a new invasion is still possible," he said.

In 2009 the independent fact-finding commission, working under the aegis f the EU, stated Saakashvili unleashed the war of August 2008.

The President of Georgia called the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia sham, and accused these two regions of "desertion".

He also claimed that situation in the conflict area is still tense, several people were killed in incidents.

/Georgia Times/

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