TODAY.AZ / Politics

Incident on Azerbaijan-Armenia contact line is not skirmish, but small battle: Azerbaijani MP

10 September 2009 [16:24] - TODAY.AZ
“I think that today Armenia once again was convinced that the Azerbaijani army is well-prepared,” Azerbaijani
parliament’s security and defense committee chair Aydin Mirzazade said commenting on media reports claiming that five Armenian soldiers have been killed at the Azerbaijan-Armenia contact line.
“Almost every day we hear about violation of ceasefire by Armenian troops and provocation against Azerbaijani army. But today's incident, of course, shocked everybody. It was not even a skirmish, but a small battle where five Armenian invaders were killed,” Mirzazade said.

“I think that this was an attempt by Armenia to test vigilance of Azerbaijani military units and posts on the contact line. As expected, the Armenian side gained a worthy rebuff,” the MP said.

He said Azerbaijani troops have only one wounded and Azerbaijani side carried out the battle competently.

“I think that today Armenia once again was convinced that the Azerbaijani army is well-prepared. Azerbaijani soldiers are ready for combat operations and the Armenian armed forces will receive repeated retaliation of Azerbaijani soldiers in case of hostilities,” he said.

“As to whether the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict may be solved by military means, I can say that Azerbaijan supports solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict through peaceful negotiations. We comply with the ceasefire. But Azerbaijan intends to return its territory and was always ready for military action. If Armenia takes provocative actions against us, it will get a decent rebuff as it did today,” he added.


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