TODAY.AZ / Politics

Azerbaijani foreign ministry: Armenia deputy FM is unaware of negotiation details

25 August 2009 [17:26] - TODAY.AZ
“What Armenian deputy foreign minister said in an interview with 'Echo Moscow' radio is not true,” Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Elkhan Polukhov said commenting on Armenian Deputy Foreign Minister Shavarsh Kocharyan’s interview with Echo Moscow radio station.
“Mr. Kocharian gave wrong information in an interview. This particularly relates to the UN resolutions and that of other international organizations regarding the occupied territories of Azerbaijan,” Polukhov said.

In his interview Kocharian said “there is no UN resolution that calls on Armenia to withdraw the occupier troops. None of the 4 resolutions stipulate it.”

“It is surprising  that a government official with such a high rank speaks on such serious matters in a non-professional manner. In this case, it shows that Shavarsh Kocharian is aware of details of the negotiations in and his non-participation in many stages of the negotiation process,” he added.


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