Hearings on the problems of human rights and democratization in Azerbaijan will be held in connection with the upcoming presidential elections in Washington in the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki commission) on July 29, said head of the public forum "For Azerbaijan" Eldar Namazov.
He said during his recent visit to the United States, during his talks in the US Congress and Helsinki Commission, he submitted a written appeal to the Congress members with a request to hold special hearings on the issue of human rights and democratization in Azerbaijan in the threshold of presidential elections.
The appeal fixes request to the congressmen and Helsinki commission to pay special attention to the need to release imprisoned reporters, ensure right for freedom of assembly, conduct reforms of the Electoral Code for withdrawal of election commissions from the monopoly of powers and create equal conditions for all candidates.
"We have discussed in details the need to conduct such hearings though hearings on the situation in the South Caucasus were held last month. But numerous problems with human rights in Azerbaijan and the upcoming elections in October made it urgent to hold special hearings on Azerbaijan.
I have received special information from Washington, which says that such hearings have already been scheduled and will be held in the Helsinki commission on July 29 at 15:00.
This commission is a state body of the United States, monitoring execution of Helsinki acts, which includes 9 representatives of the Senate and House of representatives and one representative from the State Department, Defense Ministry and Economy Ministry.
The commission is led by congressman Hastings, who will hold the hearings along with the co-chairman of the commission, senator Kardin", noted he.
The deputy US secretary of State Davir Kramer, deputy US Secretary of State on democracy and human rights Chris Walker, head of the Freedom House research programs, ambassador of Azerbaijan to the United States Yashar Aliyev, several congressmen and senators, as well as US NGOs will speak at the hearings.
Namazov also noted that as is reported OSCE and CE are deeply concerned with the situation with human rights, including freedom of press and elections conduction in Azerbaijan.
"We are going to send all necessary materials, reflecting the real state of affairs in the sphere of democracy and human rights in Azerbaijan, as well as our demands for release of imprisoned reporters, restoration of the rights for freedom of assembly, introduction of amendments to the Electoral Code and other issues to the members of the Helsinki commission and participants of the upcoming hearings before the hearings", concluded Namazov.