The insurer told APA-Economics that AZN 614,200 came from motor insurance (KASKO, AZN 309,800 from electronics insurance, AZN 200,900 from fire and risk insurance of property, AZN 197,900 from liability insurance, AZN 63,500 from bank and banking insurance, AZN 46,500 from personal accident insurance, AZN 21,900 from voluntary medical insurance, AZN 21,800 from employer's liability insurance and AZN 12,400 from cargo insurance.
The insurer paid AZN 142,300 for insurance claims during this period, up 20.2% from the same period last year.
The most claim payment went to accident insurance policies (AZN 120,000).
As of April 1, the company's nominal capital stood at AZN 2 million. It provides 31 voluntary and 4 compulsory types of insurance services.