TODAY.AZ / Society

Azerbaijan scientist succeeds to control nano-structure with light

31 March 2007 [09:53] - TODAY.AZ
"Ellipsometria" laboratory made successful researches in the nanotechnology.

The director of laboratory Doctor of Physical Sciences Nazim Mammadov told APA the department was established at the Physic Institute of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences in 2005 on the initiative of the professor of Japanese Osaka University Hiroghashi Naito. At the present time scientists from 21 leading world states are working to build nano-world. Only Azerbaijani between them is Nazim Mammadov. New nano-world will be established in Japan. The urgent question of the nanotechnology is to establish nanotechnology science and first nanotechnology instrument. The "Ellipsometria" laboratory in Japan headed by Azerbaijani scientists succeeded in controlling nano-structure with light.

Nazim Mammadov told the APA that the whole world will be built on nanotechnology in ten years.

Nanotechnology is the engineering of functional systems at the molecular scale. The motion of these instruments based on scientific principles. The nano-world built with the help of scientists from 8 states – Japan, France, the UK, China, Azerbaijan, Italy, the US and Korea is not accessible for human eyesight. But it covers current works and concepts that will be advanced in the near future.


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