TODAY.AZ / Society

Education Ministry sends last warning to IAU rector

29 August 2006 [21:00] - TODAY.AZ
The Committee to Defend Rights of Students of Independent Azerbaijan University (IAU), which has been closed by the Education Ministry's decision, held a press conference.

The Committee chief Elnur Mammadov said the Ministry's 5 July decision on transferring the IAU students to other private higher schools has not been implemented yet. The University president Abbas Mustafayev refuses to return the students' documents. He assured the students that the university will restore its activity in September this year. Mammadov said IAU students entered till 2004 will be transferred to other higher schools by the Education Ministry's corresponding resolution.

"Though Education Ministry sent two letters to IAU administration, the latter refused to give students' documents. That is why we went to the Ministry on August 1 again. Ministry officer Ilham Pirmammadov recommended the students to take their documents from the university as soon as possible. IAU Information Department chief Zahir Samadov said that the Ministry has no rights to stop the university's activity and recommended in its turn not to pay attention to Ministry's resolution."

In the press conference, the Ministry Public Affairs Office Chief Bayram Huseynzadeh informed the students about Ministry's resolution. He said the university must return the students' documents unconditionally to them or to the Ministry. But the university refused. The Ministry allotted five days delay to Mustafayev. If he refuses to give the students' documents, they will appeal to law enforcement bodies. He also stated that there is no reason for worrying and students are transferred in August, APA reports.

Defense Committee was interested in students accepted in 2004. Huseynzadeh said only the court can decide what to do. "We cannot influence the court and must wait for its decision."

Education Ministry will visit the University on September 1 for implementation of the decision.


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