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Jo?nt Declarat?on of Azerbaijan and China on establishment of strategic partnership adopted in Astana

03 July 2024 [18:15] - TODAY.AZ

A Jo?nt Declarat?on of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the People’s Republic of China on the establishment of a strategic partnership was adopted as part of the Summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Astana.

Azernews presents the Declaration:


of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the People’s Republic of China on the establishment of a strategic partnership

The Republic of Azerbaijan and the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as “the Parties”) agree that since the establishment of diplomatic relations on April 2, 1992, bilateral cooperation between the two countries has yielded fruitful results in various spheres.

Given the tectonic and complex development of the international and regional situation, the Parties agreed to expand cooperation in the political, economic, and cultural spheres, strengthen interaction in international affairs, jointly protect the common interests of the two countries, as well as jointly promote the cause of regional and global peace, stability and development.

1.0 The Parties establish a strategic partnership, proceed from mutual respect, equality, trust, mutual support, mutual benefit and cooperation as the fundamental principles of bilateral relations. The Parties consider each other as priority and reliable partners, and independently determine the policy of bilateral relations, regardless of external factors.

1.1 The Parties reaffirm their commitment to mutual respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty, non-aggression, non-interference in internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence. Azerbaijan resolutely supports the “One China” principle, recognizes that there is only one China in the world, the Government of the People’s Republic of China is the only legitimate government representing the whole of China, and that Taiwan is an integral part of China’s territory, firmly opposes any form of “Taiwan independence” and supports the peaceful development of relations between the two shores of the Taiwan Strait, as well as the efforts being made by the Chinese Government for the reunification of China.

China resolutely supports the peace agenda proposed by Azerbaijan and considers counterproductive geopolitical intrigues aimed at maintaining confrontation.

1.2 The Parties emphasize that terrorism, separatism, and extremism pose serious threats to the entire international community and require joining efforts to prevent and combat these challenges.

1.3 The Parties will continue to provide resolute support to one another on the path of development chosen in line with their national specificities and are ready to cooperate to achieve common development and prosperity.

1.4 The Parties are ready to maintain close contacts and coordination on the most important issues of national, as well as regional and global security, strengthen trust, and prevent any forces from using their state territory to carry out actions against the other Party.

1.5 The Parties emphasize that exchanges and cooperation between the political and public institutions of Azerbaijan and China contribute to the development and further comprehensive deepening of relations between the two countries. The Parties support the strengthening of exchanges and cooperation between the ruling political party of Azerbaijan and the Communist Party of China.

1.6 The Parties note the significant role of cooperation between the legislative bodies of Azerbaijan and China in the expansion and development of bilateral relations. In this context, the Parties emphasize the activation of exchanges and cooperation between the legislative bodies of the two countries in various fields and at various levels, including within the framework of relevant international and regional organizations.

1.7 The Parties believe that it is necessary to enable the mechanisms of communication and exchange of views between the Governments of the two countries and to strengthen the political dialogue on the issues of development.

1.8 The Parties confirm their readiness to strengthen cooperation and exchange experience in the legal field, based on equality, mutual benefit, and mutual respect.

1.9 The Parties refrain from any actions that, in the opinion of one of the Parties, harm the strategic partnership and strategic relations of the two states.

1.10 By mutual agreement, the Parties periodically hold political consultations through the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the two countries.

2.0 The Parties highly appreciate the sustainable and dynamic development of trade and economic relations between the two countries and are ready to continue to elevate the role of the mechanism of the Intergovernmental Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation to further strengthen the interaction in the fields of trade, investment and engineering and contracting projects, as well as to focus on facilitating the implementation of projects in the fields of transport and communications, green energy, recycling and production, infrastructure, digital economy, agriculture and others, to achieve high-quality development of Azerbaijani-Chinese trade and economic cooperation.

2.1 Azerbaijan and China have strong economic complementarity and an immense potential for developing cooperation in the field of industrialization and investment. The Parties will make full use of the working mechanism of cooperation on industrialization and investment between Azerbaijan and China, increase contacts on vision, planning and policy, facilitate the activities of companies of Azerbaijan and China, actively promote cooperation in priority areas such as energy, including oil and gas production and refining, green energy and transport infrastructure, information and telecommunications, digital economy, non-ferrous metals, building materials, and others, and enrich the cooperation of the two countries with real results for the benefit of the two countries and their peoples in accordance with the principle of a market economy.

2.2 The Parties express their readiness to further increase the volume of bilateral trade, optimize the structure of goods, and facilitate access of goods to markets. China welcomes Azerbaijan’s active participation in the China International Import Expo, the China Import and Export Goods Fair, the China International Services Trade Fair, and other major exhibitions. Azerbaijan welcomes the participation of China's leading companies in the ADEX International Military Exhibition and other major exhibitions and forums held in the territory of Azerbaijan. China supports Azerbaijan in holding thematic presentations and establishing contacts on trade centers and national pavilions opened in China, as well as Chinese electronic trading networks.

2.3 The Parties express their readiness to strengthen the alignment of the development strategies of the two countries, deepen practical cooperation in all spheres within the framework of the “Belt and Road Initiative,” accelerate the process of signing an Agreement on the development of international multimodal transport between the Governments of Azerbaijan and China.

2.4 The Parties will support each other’s efforts in addressing issues of ensuring the safety and uninterrupted operation of international transport corridors passing through their territories and create favorable conditions for transit traffic within the framework of national legislation and bilateral agreements.

2.5 The Parties aim to consistently develop the potential of transit and transport interaction with use of intelligent transport systems technologies, as well as to ensure the technical and economic conditions for the continuous and full-scale operation of international transport routes.

2.6 The Parties support the establishment of a working group on investment cooperation within the framework of the Intergovernmental Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation. The Parties also support their companies in mutual investment and business development in Azerbaijan and China, as well as their mutual participation in the activities of free economic zones and industrial parks of Azerbaijan and China as residents. China welcomes the development of investment cooperation of Azerbaijan with China in the spheres of oil and gas, and petrochemicals, as well as in the sphere of green energy, electric power industry, high technologies and innovations, artificial intelligence, and space. The Parties express their readiness to create favorable conditions and necessary amenities for the enterprises of the two countries, and are ready to jointly ensure the safety of cooperation projects and personnel of enterprises of the two countries.

2.7 China expresses its readiness to actively participate in the construction and use of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Corridor (“Middle Corridor”), work more closely with Azerbaijan and other countries along the route to jointly facilitate the uninterrupted operation and accelerated development of the southern corridor for China-Europe freight trains and in the opposite direction, create favorable prerequisites for deepening regional practical cooperation, jointly ensure the safety and stability of production and supply chains.

2.8 The Chinese side welcomes the holding of the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC COP29) in Azerbaijan, supports Azerbaijan in fulfilling its role of chairmanship in contributing to the achievement of positive results at the Conference. The Parties express their readiness to cooperate in the fight against climate change, including in the field of clean energy, to encourage companies of the two countries to deepen cooperation in the fields of “green” and low-carbon technologies, such as new generation based on new energy sources, energy storage, cars powered by new energy sources, electricity transmission, energy conservation, emissions reduction, and others, to jointly facilitate the creation of a global partnership for cooperation in the fields of clean energy.

3.0 The Parties express their readiness to discuss the improvement of the contractual and legal framework in the trade and economic field, and actively explore the possibility of creating an institutional mechanism for liberalizing and simplifying trade and investment procedures. The Parties confirm their firm support for the multilateral trading system under the auspices of the WTO. The Chinese side supports Azerbaijan’s active participation in the development and cooperation of the international multilateral trading system, as well as the actions taken by Azerbaijan within its WTO accession process.

3.1 The Parties support the expansion of contacts between the regions, as well as the cooperation in the fields of media and information exchange.

3.2 The Parties express their readiness to actively facilitate the progress of mutually beneficial cooperation in the fields of science and technology.

3.3 The Parties consider that cooperation in the field of education is steadily developing. Within the framework of the agreement on cooperation in the field of education and the agreement on mutual recognition of documents on education and academic degrees, the Parties carry out personnel and language exchanges, as well as interaction through the higher education establishments. The Parties will discuss the issue of joint creation of an alliance of higher education institutions.

3.4 The Parties attach great importance to cooperation in the field of language exchanges, encourage the teaching of Azerbaijani and Chinese languages in educational institutions, and will develop exchanges between instructors and the practice of training specialists, as well as support the development of Confucius Institutes.

3.5 The Parties agreed to increase the level of cooperation in the cultural sphere, to hold cultural days of Azerbaijan and China on a mutual basis, and to express their readiness to hold consultations on the mutual establishment of cultural centers.

3.6 The Parties express their readiness to strengthen cooperation in the field of tourism and promote the overall development of tourism. China welcomes Azerbaijan’s participation in the annual China International Tourism Fair and other tourism exhibitions, as well as the decision of Azerbaijan to unilaterally apply a visa-free regime for a period of one year for Chinese citizens to develop tourism, as well as the further expansion of economic, humanitarian and cultural ties. The Parties will continue to facilitate mutual travel of citizens.

3.7 The Parties express their readiness to deepen cooperation in the fields of healthcare, sports and youth, as well as strengthen cooperation in the fields of cinema, media and think tanks.

3.8 The Parties are ready to strengthen cooperation for sustainable development.

3.9 The Parties express their readiness to strengthen exchanges in order to ensure high-quality and full employment, to improve the social security system and to train qualified personnel to improve the well-being of the population.

4.0 The Parties interact on the pertinent international issues, and deepen constructive cooperation, including at the bilateral level, as well as within the framework of international organizations and forums on the issues of mutual interest.

4.1 The Parties will jointly support the international system under the auspices of the United Nations, and adhere to the international order based on international law, and fundamental norms of international relations founded on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. Azerbaijan and China oppose hegemony and the policy of force. The Parties adhere to genuine multilateralism, support the constructive role of the United Nations in international affairs, and are ready to continue to strengthen cooperation within the framework of the United Nations. The Parties advocate for the promotion of the common values of humanity – peace, development, equality, justice, democracy, and freedom, as well as contribute to the creation of a community of a common destiny of mankind and a new type of international relations.

4.2 As developing countries, Azerbaijan and China are ready to strengthen cooperation and jointly protect the common interests of developing countries.

4.3 The Parties believe that the happy life of the people is the greatest human right, and the cause of promoting human rights should be oriented towards the people. The Parties proceed from the fact that the protection of human rights should be based on the unshakable principles of respect for the sovereignty of all countries and oppose politicization and the introduction of double standards on human rights issues. The Parties oppose interference in the internal affairs of any state under the pretext of protecting human rights, support the protection of human rights by ensuring security, facilitating human rights through development, promoting human rights through cooperation and dialogue, and will jointly promote the development of global mechanisms in the field of human rights in a more equal, fair, noble and tolerant manner.

4.4 Azerbaijan supports the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative proposed by China and expresses its readiness to actively participate in cooperation within the framework of these initiatives to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and jointly protect international and regional security and stability. China supports Azerbaijan's efforts in accordance with its Baku Process initiative and the World Forums convened within its framework as a global platform to promote intercultural dialogue.

4.5 China welcomes Azerbaijan’s desire to strengthen cooperation within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and supports the enhancement of Azerbaijan’s legal status in the SCO. Azerbaijan expresses its desire to join the BRICS, and China welcomes Azerbaijan’s participation in BRICS cooperation.

3 July 2024”


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