TODAY.AZ / Arts & Entertainment

Ganja hosts pre-anniversary concert of People's Artist Azer Zeynalov

23 May 2024 [15:19] - TODAY.AZ
Laman Ismayilova

Ganja State Philharmonic Hall has hosted a solo concert of People's Artist of Azerbaijan and Dagestan, professor Azer Zeynalov, Azernews reports.

The concert titled "I'm Coming to Ganja" featured compositions of national classics and famous composers, including Emin Sabitoglu's "?ükriye", "G?nc?d?n g?lir?m", Tofig Guliyev's "B?xt?v?r oldum", "Az?rbaycan", Rauf Hajiyev's "Leyla", Siyavush Karimi's "Ömrümün ???", "S?nsizl?d?im", Sevil Aliyeva's "Aziz anam", and other beloved compositions.

Azer Zeynalov was born on December 13, 1964, in the city of Nakhchivan. This year, the singer celebrates its 60th anniversary. He is a graduate of the Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts (Directing Department), the Italian State Conservatory named after Agostino Steffani, and the Baku Music Academy named after Uzeyir Hajibayli (Vocal Department).

Since 1990, Azer Zeynalov has been a soloist with the Rashid Behbudov State Song Theatre. He played the leading roles in operas by Azerbaijani and European composers.

Azer Zeynalov is also known as a singer of songs, romances, and folk songs. He tours in many countries and performs in major concert halls around the world.

Since 2001, Azer Zeynalov has headed the Vocal Department at the Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts. Since 2016, he has been the head of the Vocal Department at the Azerbaijan National Conservatory.

Media partners of the event are Azernews.Az, Trend.Az, Day.Az, and Milli.Az.


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