TODAY.AZ / Business

CBA delegation explores financial sector practices in South Korea

23 May 2024 [10:56] - TODAY.AZ
Ulviyya Shahin

A delegation consisting of representatives of the Central Bank of Azerbaijan (CBA), the "Azerbaijan Banks Association" Public Union, and the Ministry of Finance was on a business trip to South Korea, Azernews reports, citing the CBA.

According to information, during this visit, which was supported by the Asian Development Bank, representatives of CBA participated in meetings with the staff of Korean credit rating agencies, "Kookmin Bank" and the Financial Services Commission.

During meetings with Korean credit rating agencies, the institutional framework of rating agencies, methodologies, and practices supporting credit rating systems, as well as the impact of the legal and regulatory framework on the development of relevant agencies, were discussed.

During the meeting with representatives of Kookmin Bank, one of the largest banks in the country, the bank's risk assessment and mitigation practices were studied. During the visit, a meeting was also organised with the Financial Services Commission ("Financial Services Commission"), which ensures the development and stability of the Korean financial sector. During the meeting, experience was exchanged on the regulatory framework of the Korean rating market.

CBA's "2024-2026 Financial Sector Development Strategy" includes initiatives related to the regulation of rating agencies. At present, the creation of a legal and regulatory framework for rating agencies is being focused on, and measures are being taken in this direction.


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