TODAY.AZ / Politics

Azerbaijani Parliament condemns Luxembourg's Chairman of Chamber of Deputies over his biased views

22 May 2024 [17:49] - TODAY.AZ

By Fatime Letifova

Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg, Claude Wisler, during his speech in the Armenian parliament on May 22, voiced a number of accusations against Azerbaijan.

Azernews reports that the Azerbaijani Parliament expressed its opinion on the views of Claude Wisler.

It was noted that the Milli Majlis (the Parliament) sharply condemns and firmly opposes these biased and absurd ideas.

It seems that representatives of Luxembourg, who have defined French as the main language in their legislation, are too eager to continue the "French style" in their approach to the South Caucasus region. Thus, they do not hesitate to freely distort the processes taking place in the region, and even make some demands against Azerbaijan.

It is impossible to distort existing realities. Let's remind the Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg of a number of facts: the internationally recognised territories of Azerbaijan, which are four times larger than Luxembourg, have been under the occupation of Armenia for 30 years. During the occupation, more than 1 million of our compatriots became refugees and internally displaced persons. Eight cities and hundreds of villages, as well as countless historical, religious, and cultural monuments, were destroyed and wiped off the face of the earth.

Unfortunately, the Parliament of Luxembourg, which describes itself as a guarantor of humanitarian values ??and fundamental rights, has chosen its own style of behavior and preferred to remain indifferent to all these tragic events - objective realities.

Under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, Azerbaijan freed its lands from occupation and single-handedly ensured the norms and principles of international law. Today, areas four times the size of Luxembourg are being restored and rebuilt with great efforts. IDPs return to their native lands.

Despite the heavy consequences of the thirty-year occupation and the atrocities committed, Azerbaijan today is also the initiator of the normalisation process that will bring long-term peace and stability to the region. It is known to everyone that such speeches by foreign emissaries are not a step taken for the sake of peace and stability in the region at a time when Azerbaijan-Armenia bilateral peace talks are proceeding positively. There is no doubt that these intervention attempts are trying to prevent the achievement of successful results in the peace process. We strongly advise the Luxembourg Parliament and its Speaker to redirect their "support".

We would like to remind the Armenian side that welcoming and supporting unilateral approaches, fabrications, and lies of third parties outside the region to the processes taking place in the region does not benefit either the peace process or the steps aimed at building trust.


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