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Patterns of Life: Journey through Aydin Rajabov's carpet art

23 April 2024 [17:57] - TODAY.AZ
Laman Ismayilova

Azerbaijan National Carpet Museum has unveiled an eye-catching exhibition themed "Patterns of Life" in honor of the esteemed artist Aydin Rajabov's 80th anniversary, Azernews reports.

Co-organized by the Culture Ministry and the National Carpet Museum, the exhibition showcased the extraordinary talent and creative journey of Aydin Rajabov, a renowned figure in the world of decorative and applied arts.

Acting director of the Carpet Museum Mira Mammadkhanova, chairman of the Azerbaijan Artists' Union Farhad Khalilov, rector of the Azerbaijan State Academy of  Fine Arts Natig Aliyev, Secretary of the Azerbaijan Writers' Union Ilgar Fahmi as well as a Professor at the Azerbaijan State Academy of Fine Arts Mammadhuseyn Huseynov addressed the opening ceremony of the exhibition.

In their remarks, they hailed Aydin Rajabov's unique style and innovative approach to the carpet art, highlighting his significant contributions to Azerbaijan's cultural heritage.

The exhibition featured a collection of approximately 40 exquisite works, including pieces like "Oguz ongons", "The Tale of the Goldfish", "Winged Horse" (Pegasus), and "Philosophy of Novruz", each inspired by national traditions, folklore, and the spirit of Turkism.

Aydin Rajabov's profound love for his homeland, Absheron, shone through in pieces such as "Azerbaijan", "Nakhchivan", and "Kingdom of Oil", reflecting the artist's deep connection to the land where he was born and raised.

Drawing inspiration from the legendary artist and scholar Latif Karimov Aydin Rajabov skillfully incorporated Turkic-Oguz ornamental motifs into his works, seamlessly blending tradition with modernity.

His carpets, characterized by impeccable composition, vibrant colors, and intricate geometric patterns, have found a home in numerous museums and galleries both in Azerbaijan and abroad.

The exhibition is a true celebration of Aydin Rajabov's artistic legacy, will enchant visitors with its masterful craftsmanship and cultural significance until April 30.

Don't miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of this visionary artist and experience the beauty of Azerbaijani carpet art at its finest.

Founded in 1967, the National Carpet Museum holds more than 14,000 exhibits of the finest Azerbaijani carpets.

Initiated by eminent carpet artist Latif Karimov, the museum is beautiful inside and out.

The museum's new building is designed in the form of a rolled carpet. Now, the museum hosts multiple events, including international symposiums, conferences, and various exhibitions.

In 2019, the museum received national status for its significant contribution to popularising and promoting Azerbaijani carpet weaving art.

In 2020, the Carpet Museum enriched its collection with a beautiful pile of carpets purchased by the Culture Ministry at the Sartirana Textile Show in Italy.

The 19th-century Guba carpet "Ugakh" was donated to the Carpet Museum, while the Garabagh carpet "Chelebi" enriched the collection of the museum's Shusha branch.

For four years, the Carpet Museum won the Travellers' Choice Awards.

The award proves once again that the professional activity of the National Carpet Museum is highly appreciated by visitors from all over the world.


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