TODAY.AZ / Politics

MP considers decision on increase in parking prices adequate in Azerbaijan

27 March 2024 [14:07] - TODAY.AZ
Ulviyya Shahin

In recent days, prices in underground and above-ground parking areas in the central parts of the capital, Baku, have increased up to 2.6 times. This has led to sharp dissatisfaction on social networks, Azernews reports.

According to the new monthly tariffs at underground parking facilities under the balance of the Azerbaijan Land Transport Agency (ALTA), prices range from 1 manat 66 qepik to 4 manat 66 qepik for one day. The highest monthly rate is 20 qepik per hour.

Among those expressing their opinions is Rufat Guliyev, a member of the Economic Policy, Industry, and Entrepreneurship Committee of the Milli Majlis (National Assembly of the Azerbaijan Republic).

He stated that the increase in parking fees for cars should be positively welcomed. Deputy Rufat Quliyev considers the sharp increase in parking fees for cars in Baku as an adequate decision.

He mentioned that in all countries, prices in city centres, including parking fees, food services, rents, and generally everything else, are two to three times higher compared to other areas.

"In the centre of Baku, everything is two to three times more expensive compared to other areas. Even within a few kilometres from the centre, prices are relatively lower. It is not surprising that parking fees are also adjusted accordingly. Currently, the master plan for Baku is being prepared. Over AZN 80 billion will be allocated for this process by 2040. As part of this process, all parking issues will also be completely resolved."

R. Quliyev emphasised the importance of such a decision by addressing the problems related to congestion in the centre of the capital.

"Therefore, the implementation of such a decision should be positively welcomed. This could also be beneficial for the development of public transportation. Residents should come to the city centre by metro or bus. Alternatively, everyone can park their cars in suitable parking lots outside the centre and walk. I think it should be like this."

Shortly after, the Azerbaijan Land Transport Agency also expressed its position on the issue.

It was stated that the Government House, Winter Park, and Central Park do not cover the expenses from the income generated from parking activities in underground parking areas.

"The existing facilities in parking areas (lifts, escalators, payment terminals, fire protection systems, etc.) are in poor condition, requiring substantial funding for repair and renovation. Changing the existing tariffs is considered appropriate to reduce damage and improve the level of service provided to the population," ALTA said in its release.


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