TODAY.AZ / World news

US, France lose their status of mediators

29 February 2024 [10:20] - TODAY.AZ
Abbas Ganbay

The U.S. and France have lost the status of mediators in unilateral statements, Azernews reports, citing Farid Shafiyev, Chairman of the Board of the Center for Analysis of International Relations.

In his statement, the chairman of the Center noted that for 30 years Azerbaijani territories were under occupation, the European Union (EU) did not send any missions to the border, did not make any statements, and now the EU has sent a mission to the border.

"This clearly shows that they had given de facto consent to Armenia's aggressive policy. There is now an alleged threat to Armenia and they are standing with [Armenia]. We do not accept this policy," the Chairman said.

Farid Shafiyev emphasized that in the second half of 2023 there was a biased position towards Azerbaijan on the part of the US, France and even the office of the EU Council President Charles Michel:

" As a result, they lost the status of mediators with unilateral statements. But we are not isolating ourselves from the West. Simply put, we see the meeting places as venues. For example, today's meeting is in Berlin, and we see this city as a venue. Here we are not talking about German mediation. After that, the negotiations will be without mediators."


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