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Heydar Aliyev Centre displays art works by Ghanaian artist Kojo Marfo

15 February 2024 [11:57] - TODAY.AZ
Laman Ismayilova

The Heydar Aliyev Centre has opened an exhibition of the Ghanaian artist Kojo Marfo "Crucible of hope".

The vice president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, Leyla Aliyeva, and the president of the Baku Media Centre, Arzu Aliyeva, attended the opening ceremony of the exhibition, Azernews reports.

Before the opening ceremony, artist Kojo Marfo told reporters that the exhibition had been well organised.

"Before coming here, in my questions about Azerbaijan, I heard only positive reviews. This is my first visit to Baku. I am very glad to be here to hold my exhibition. People are brought together by culture. There are many features that unite us in the field of culture. Before holding my first exhibition, I thought enough about my life. Many people came into my life, they are the components of my works, and they inspired me to hold an exhibition. And this always gives hope to a person," said Kojo Marfo

Speaking at the opening ceremony, exhibition curator Jean-David Malat stressed that his visit to Baku provided an opportunity not only to show these art works to other people but also to enjoy the beautiful city. He expressed gratitude to the Vice President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, Leyla Aliyeva, the President of the Baku Media Centre, Arzu Aliyeva, and the director of the Heydar Aliyev Centre, Anar Alakbarov, for organising the personal exhibition of Kojo Marfo and expressed hope that similar exhibitions will be held in the future.

During his speech, artist Kojo Marfo emphasised that the exhibition is dedicated to what he saw as a child, behind each work there is a message, and these messages reflect the connection between the works and people.

He mentioned that the theme of the art works is related to the inherent actions of people that they consider important.

"It is a great honour for me that I had the opportunity to exhibit my works in such a beautiful and magnificent building. For this, I express my gratitude to the Heydar Aliyev Foundation," the artist added.

Then the guests got acquainted with the exhibition, which displays over 20 art pieces, distinguished with their bright colors and giving viewers a good, and sometimes even festive, mood.

The works exhibited at the Heydar Aliyev Center combine the childhood dreams of the Ghanaian artist with the reality of the modern world. Layers of meaning and emotion skillfully interwoven in each of his works allow visitors to explore Kojo Marfo more deeply.

Marfo's art works serve as a mirror for society and inspire deep thoughts. Showcasing the artist's distinctive intelligence, sense of humour, and keen observation, this exhibition gives visitors an opportunity to understand Marfo's own thoughts.

Kojo Marfo is a Ghanaian artist based in London. He developed as an artist under the influence of African traditional Akan artefacts and sculptures, which he had known since childhood.

Numerous travels also led to Marfo's familiarity with different cultures and the reflection of those cultures in his works. Acquaintance with Marfo's work is like travelling through the corridors of culture.


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