TODAY.AZ / Arts & Entertainment

Young violinist thrills music enthusiasts

12 February 2024 [13:27] - TODAY.AZ
Laman Ismayilova

Young violinist Sultan Karimov has thrilled music enthusiasts at Chamber and Organ Music Hall.

The Laureate of republican and international competitions was accompanied by the Cadenza Contemporary Orchestra, Azernews reports.

Since 2016, the Cadenza Contemporary Orchestra has been actively participating in both local and international festivals.

The orchestra aims to preserve the traditions of modern musical performance in Azerbaijan and develop the traditions of modern musical ensembles created in the country.

The artistic director of the orchestra is the composer Turkar Gasimzada. Entrance to the concert is free.

While performing the works, the violinist soulfully conveyed the depth and beauty of these music pieces.

The concert program featured works by Antonio Vivaldi, Johann Sebastian Bach, Niccolo Paganini, Pablo de Sarasate, and George Gershwin.

The audience greeted each musical number with thunderous applause.

Photo Credits: Kamran Bagirov


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