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Azerbaijan's Shusha named Cultural Capital of Islamic World 2024

27 September 2023 [14:00] - TODAY.AZ

By Azernews

Laman Ismayilova

Azerbaijan's Shusha city has been declared the Cultural Capital of the Islamic World for 2024.

During the 12th Conference of the Culture Ministers of the Islamic World held in Doha, Azerbaijani Culture Minister Adil Karimli presented the nomination of Shusha as a candidate city within ICESCO's Programme for Culture Capitals in the Islamic World, Azernews reports.

By unanimous decision, the city was declared the Cultural Capital of the Islamic world for 2024.

With its diverse cultural heritage, Shusha is a true testament to the Islamic world's legacy.

The city is dotted with historical mosques, mausoleums that demonstrate the Islamic world's architectural brilliance.

Yukhari Govhar Agha Mosque, Ashaghi Govhar Agha Mosque which stand as a symbol of Shusha's religious heritage are considered the masterpieces of Eastern architecture.

The building of the Yukhari Govhar Agha Mosque was designed by well-known architect Karbalayi Safikhan Garabaghi in 1763-1769 by order of the Garabagh ruler Ibrahim Khalil Khan.

The mosque stopped functioning after the Armenian invasion of Azerbaijan's territories.

Construction of Ashaghi Govhar Agha Mosque was completed with orders of Govhar Agha, daughter of Ibrahim Khalil Khan approximately eight years before the Yukhari Govhar Agha Mosque was built.

After the end of the Armenian invasion, restoration work started at the mosques.

Despite all the challenges, the city has managed to preserve its religious and cultural heritage.

Considering its historical and cultural significance, 2022 was declared the Year of Shusha in Azerbaijan.

Many projects were successfully implemented in Azerbaijan and other countries within the Year of Shusha.

Shusha has been declared the Cultural Capital of the Turkic World 2023.

A number of events of cultural significance, including the Kharibulbul International Folklore Festival, the Vagif Poetry Days, the International Festival of Children's Creativity, Wonderland Shusha 2023 International Scout Camp, and other events were organized in Shusha in accordance with the Action Plan.

The city's rich legacy continues to unite people through a shared appreciation for the art and culture.


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