TODAY.AZ / Politics

Military expert calls recent anti-terror measures rare example: no civilian was harmed

22 September 2023 [19:00] - TODAY.AZ
By Azernews 

Qabil Ashirov

On November 10, 2020, with the mediation of Russia, Azerbaijan stopped military operations in the Second Garabagh War and the main reason for the suspension of operations was that Armenia assumed a number of obligations. The main part of these obligations was the withdrawal of the units of the Armenian army from the invaded Azerbaijani territories, namely Aghdam, Kalbajar, Lachin, and other residential areas. Unfortunately, although the military units of the Armenian army left Aghdam, Kalbajar, and Lachin, they stayed in Khankendi, Khojaly, Khojavand, and the former Aghdara districts. Instead of leaving the above-mentioned districts, Armenians commenced to implement a number of measures in order to prepare for military operations once again in these territories.

In a comment for Azernews on the issue, the military expert Ramil Mammadli noted that various provocations were made such as the creation of fortification facilities, that is, the implementation of engineering fortification works, the transportation of weapons and equipment to the territory in 2021, 2022, restricting the process of negotiations with the Armenian population in Garabagh, and to top it all off, the positions of the Azerbaijani army were constantly fired at, as well as remaining operations in the liberated territories.

“Also, all the calls of Azerbaijan, regarding the signing of the lasting peace agreement, remained unanswered. With the support of a number of countries, especially France, the United States, and other Western countries, Armenia tried to make a series of maneuvers to achieve a status. There were attempts to address these issues at the level of negotiations of the European Union. Finally, Azerbaijan made a repeated call to clarify the issue of negotiations with Armenia. This challenge was unsuccessful. On September 19, in connection with the terror committed by the intelligence and sabotage units of the Armenian army against the civilians of Azerbaijan as well as against the police officers, the Azerbaijani army has already started to implement anti-terrorist measures in the region,” Ramil Mammadli said.

The Pundit noted that one point must be emphasized when analyzing the current military strategic and military tactical situation, i.e., how strong the positions of the Azerbaijani army are in the central part of Garabagh, that is, in Asgaran, Khojaly, Khankendi Shusha districts. He noted that in 2020, 2021, and 2022, the armed forces of Azerbaijan took control of strategic points in the mentioned areas.

“Azerbaijan liberated Farrukh, Girkhgiz, and Sar?baba heights from occupation, and in addition to these, if we consider the city of Shusha as a strategic height, Azerbaijan achieved the opportunity to attack in virtually all directions in the area. Therefore, on the second day of the anti-terror activities, the Azerbaijani army had already destroyed dozens of weapons and equipment belonging to the enemy, ammunition depots, and manpower. It is worth noting that it is a very rare example that during military activities of this scale, almost no civilian was harmed. Even in UN operations, there are civilian casualties. Azerbaijan has set an example,” he noted.

Ramil Mammadli noted that Armenia asked foreign countries to help stop the anti-terror measures carried out by Azerbaijan. As is known, Azerbaijan has long expressed its position on this issue. He said that Azerbaijan required that the remaining parts of the Armenian army should leave the territory of Azerbaijan and establishment of Azerbaijani legislation in Garabagh economic region. The military expert underlined that this is a somewhat difficult process, but it was necessary to implement certain measures for its realization.

“I would like to mention one point that the Prime Minister of Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan, stated that they are not a party to the anti-terror activities in Garabagh. In other words, he said that Armenia will not intervene there. Of course, this is not convincing. However, all their activities have been restricted. I would like to mention one point the regrettable issue is that a number of Western countries and institutions in these countries are involved in increasing the pressure against Azerbaijan. However, I think that their pressures will not be an obstacle to the restoration of law in the territories of Azerbaijan,” the expert added.


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