TODAY.AZ / Society

Number of Azerbaijani citizens visiting foreign countries increased

23 August 2023 [16:25] - TODAY.AZ

The total number of Azerbaijani citizens who visited foreign countries in January-July this year totaled 993.5 thousand people, Azernews reports, citing SSC.

Referring to the report of the State Statistics Committee (SSC), this figure is 19.8 percent higher than the same period last year.

The number of Azerbaijani citizens traveling to the Russian Federation increased 1.6 times, to Georgia - by 32.5 percent, to Turkiye - by 6.4 percent, while the number of citizens visiting Iran decreased by 24.7 percent. 42.5 percent of Azerbaijani citizens visited Turkiye, 22.7 percent - Russia, 9.2 percent - Georgia, 7.7 percent - Iran, and 17.9 percent - other countries. Among those who left, 66.5 percent were men, 33.5 percent were women.

During the reporting period, 68 percent of Azerbaijani citizens who visited foreign countries used air transport, 29.3 percent used rail and road transport, and 2.7 percent used sea transport.


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