TODAY.AZ / Society

Lecture series Introduction to Gender has been published in English

07 July 2023 [17:43] - TODAY.AZ

The protection of women's rights, and ensuring and promotion of gender equality are always priority issues in the multifaceted activities of Sabina Aliyeva, the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudswoman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the field of human rights protection, Azernews reports, citing the Commissionary Office.

On the initiative of the Commissioner, the Introduction to Gender subject has been taught as an independent subject at Baku State University for several years now.

Recently, the lecture series has been revised and translated into English and published under the general editorship of the Ombudsman.

This book, intended for the use of specialists and students who carry out research work in the field of gender, touches upon the current issues of protection of gender equality and women's rights.


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