TODAY.AZ / Politics

Armenia's long and tiresome dispute on Karabakh turns into farce

03 July 2023 [08:30] - TODAY.AZ
Qabil Ashirov

The new season of Armenian Farce in Karabakh, scripted by Armenian intelligentsia and public figures and starred by Nikol Pashinyan and Arayik Harutyunyan, is underway. Watching it some immediately realize that Armenians planned to shoot drama, but due to inexperience, it turned out a comedy. Therefore nobody is interested in it, except Armenophiles around the world.

As is known, Armenians and their mouthpieces have tried to persuade the world that Azerbaijan does not comply with its commitments under the 9 November statement for several months. Ostensibly, Azerbaijan aims ethnic cleansing and therefore keeps Karabakh under blockade. They go extra miles to substantiate their accusations, but they have not been able to prove it so far, like their preivouse baseless claims. Just leafing through history is enough to unearth the lies made up shamelessly by Armenians.

In retrospect, like in the former unrecognized Nagorno Karabakh Autonomy of Azerbaijan, many ethnic groups lived in Armenia during the USSR. However, when the regime collapsed and Armenians took over the total power, the first and third biggest ethnic groups - Azerbaijanis and ethnic minorities of some Muslim Kurds were totally expelled from Armenia where they had lived for thousands of years. Armenians did not have mercy on other ethnicities as well. For example, Russians were the second ethnic group after Azerbaijanis, and four of five Russians have left Armenia over 30 years.

They have not limited themselves to ethnic cleanings only in Armenia. They wrested Karabakh and adjoining seven rayons (districts) out of Azerbaijan and expelled the multiethnic population, including Azerbaijanis, Russians, Kurds, Udins, Meskhetians and so on.

Following the invasion, this self-styled "civil" horde started deliberately destroying the historical heritage of the local population, more precisely, demolishing mosques, caravanserais, Russian orthodox church, and Armenenization of Albanian churches such as Amaras and Khudavang monasteries, and building new Armenian churches instead. Their shamelessness extended to such a degree that they coined a new slogan "New Wars, New Territories" and invited Armenians in the USA to come to fight against Azerbaijan for invading new territories. It was the limit, Azerbaijan did not intend to tolerate this knavishness of Armenians anymore. The 44-day War broke out and ended in a humiliating defeat for them. With the above said in mind, we can say that Armenia is the last country in the world to accuse other countries of ethnic cleansing.

Unlike Armenia, Azerbaijan is the multiethnic, multicultural and multireligious country. There are tens of nations with different origins living in peace and prosperity in Azerbaijan. Besides, 30,000 Armenians live in Azerbaijan despite the war with Armenia, and massacres made by Armenians in the First Karabakh War. One of these Armenians living in Azerbaijan is Zoya Arutyunyan, the sister of former Armenian Defense Minister. She lives in Kurdamir with her children and nobody disturbed her even during the both Karabakh wars. Also, it must be underlined that without questioning ethnic background, Azerbaijan embraced Muslim Kurds who had lived in Armenia for thousands of years and were dispelled by Armenians in the 1990s.

As for Azerbaijan's not complying with its commitments under the 10 November agreement, it is another ridiculous accusation voiced by Armenia. Before coming to Azerbaijan's commitments, they had better recall their own ignobility and negligence to stipulation in the signed document. First and foremost, neither Armenia nor its mouthpieces should forget about the 4 statements of the UN over the withdrawal of Armenian Armed Forces from Azerbaijan's territories. Armenian responded the UN statement with the motto "New War, New Territories," let alone withdrawal.

For the Human Watch report on the Khojaly massacre, first, they tried to put the blame then-Azerbaijani government, but later the former Armenian president Serj Sargsyan confirmed that it was committed deliberately to terrorize local people. It is worth noting that in Khojaly, Armenian terrorists slaughtered 613 civilians including children, elderlies, and women. Another organizer of the Karabakh crisis Murad Igoryan went even further to call locals a political instrument and emphasized that Armenians needed to get rid of them.

In regard to the 10 November, Azerbaijan fulfilled all commitments that it overtook - it stopped military operations, allowed local Armenians to return to their homes, and kept open the only route through Lachin to Azerbaijan's Karabakh. Unlike Azerbaijan, Armenia has never complied with a single item of the statement that was signed by Nikol Pashinyan. For example, the 7th item of the statement reads: "Internally displaced persons and refugees shall return to the territory of Karabakh and adjacent districts under the control of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees." However, considering refugees as a political tool, Armenia has never attempted to allow IDPs from regions that are under the control of separatists to return to their homes. Under the 9th item of the statement, Armenia overtakes a commitment to provide Azerbaijan with entrance to its exclave Nakhchivan through Armenia. However, Armenia goes the extra mile to evade the item and has not opened the communication line yet.

In the fourth item, Armenia undertook a commitment to withdraw its armed groups from Karabakh. Even they declared that Armenia withdrew its Armed Forces from Karabakh in September 2022. However, a few days ago 4 Armenian soldiers lost their lives in a shootout that stemmed from their provocations and Armenia pleaded with the Russian Peacekeepers for two days to help Armenians to take the two corpses of dead servicemen to Armenia. Here arises the question, if Armenia really withdrew its Armed Forces from Karabakh as they claimed, why are they taking the corpses of dead servicemen to Armenia? The answer is clear, Armenia did not withdraw from Karabakh.

So in the end, I would like to recall Armenians that lie has short legs. Hey, you cannot cheat everyone forever, therefore it is better to stop the farce. Believe me, you are weak, you do not have any resource to get strong and nobody will come to fight with you, except you will be left alone in the battlefield facing Azerbaijan, your nightmare. If you want to live in peace and prosperity you have to find a common language with your neighbors, otherwise, the viability of Armenia is under question.


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