TODAY.AZ / Arts & Entertainment

Etibar Asadli give concert at International Music Festival

21 June 2023 [16:30] - TODAY.AZ

Within the framework of the 6th World of Mugham International Music Festival, organized on the initiative and organization of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, interesting concert programs are presented in various places of our capital. Yesterday, the well-known and beloved pianist Etibar Asadli gave a concert program in Baku a few years later, Azernews reports.

"I have not performed with my trio in Azerbaijan for 9 years. This year my concert was organized as part of the Mugham Festival. I express my gratitude to the Heydar Aliyev Foundation for organizing the festival. We presented Azerbaijani folk songs, mughams and jazz music to the audience," Asadli said.

Etibar Asadli's concert program included such compositions as "Salam", "Arshin Mal Alan"/The cloth Peddler, "Laylay"/Lullyby, "Gara qashin vesmesi", as well as music by foreign composers. This time the musician impressed the audience with his performance.

Etibar Asadli, who was born in Baku, received a full academic musical education in the same city. He has performed successfully at local and international jazz festivals. He gave concerts in various projects in the USA, Germany, Austria, Great Britain, China, France, Switzerland, Portugal, Russia, Turkiye and other countries.

Etibar Asadli currently lives in Paris. He is a graduate of the famous jazz school CMDL (Centre des Musique Didier Lockwood) in France. In parallel, he participates in various projects with famous European jazz stars.

It should be noted that the 6th World of Mugham International Music Festival is organized by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and the Ministry of Culture with the support of the Ministry of Science and Education and the Azerbaijan National Conservatory.


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