TODAY.AZ / Politics

Tbilisi conference of S.Caucasus MPs completes without adoption of final resolution

10 February 2006 [09:50] - TODAY.AZ
"On Thursday the Tbilisi conference of the South Caucasus MPs completed adoption of final resolution," said Elkhan Polukhov, the spokesman of the Azerbaijani embassy in Georgia.

According to Polukhov, the conference on issues of security and democratic reforms was planned to be completed with adoption of the general resolution, but it was not adopted. Ziyafat Asgarov, the head of the Azerbaijani delegation, also 1st Vice-Speaker of the Milli Majlis, came out with initiative to include item on mutual recognition of sovereignty and territorial integrity of member-countries by each other into the resolution, but the organizers of the conference refused from it, alleging that other participant of the conference Armenia would protest. As a result of it the final document was not adopted, Trend reports.

It should be mentioned that conference "Reforms and Strategy on Cooperation" was jointly organized by George Marshal Center and the Georgian Parliament. The MPs of the South Caucasus and Baltic countries held exchange of opinions on participation of parliament in the national safety policy, control over armed forces, democratic reforms.

According to Polukhov, Zurab Nogadeili, the Georgian Prime Minister, received the Azerbaijani delegation after completion of the conference. During the meeting the sides touched upon the problems of Azerbaijanis, living in Georgia, held exchange of opinions on solution of their problems. They also considered perspectives of development of the bilateral cooperation.

Within the visit to Georgia the Azerbaijani delegation met with compatriots, living in Tbilisi. The Azerbaijani delegation left for the motherland in the evening.


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