TODAY.AZ / Politics

President Ilham Aliyev expresses condolences to Azerbaijani people, families and relatives of fallen servicemen

13 September 2022 [21:09] - TODAY.AZ

President Ilham Aliyev has expressed deep condolences to the Azerbaijani people, families and relatives of the servicemen who died while preventing large-scale provocations of the Armenian armed forces in the direction of the Kalbajar, Lachin, Dashkesan and Zangilan regions of Azerbaijan.

The publication was posted on the official Facebook page of the head of state.

“I express my deepest condolences to the families and relatives of our servicemen who died on September 13 while preventing large-scale provocations committed by the Armenian armed forces in the direction of the Kalbajar, Lachin, Dashkasan and Zangilan regions of Azerbaijan.

May Allah have mercy on our martyrs!

The blood of our martyrs did not remain unavenged!” the publication says.


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