By Trend:
By the end of 2018, a document will be prepared on the feasibility study of the sulphide phase in the operation of the Chovdar Deposit located in the Dashkasan region of Azerbaijan, Chairman of the Board of AzerGold Company Zakir Ibrahimov said in an exclusive interview to Trend.
"At the moment, we are producing non-ferrous and precious metals at the Chovdar field. Operation of the deposit discovered by Azerbaijani geologists in 1998 consists of two phases: ground (oxide) and underground (sulphide) phases. Currently, CJSC "AzerGold" performs ground extraction stage, which will last until 2021 and will be followed by sulphide phase of mining," he said.
"In the framework of cooperation with the international consulting company, a document on the feasibility study of the sulphide phase will be prepared before the end of this year. According to our preliminary forecasts, the sulphide phase of the Chovdar field will last for at least five years," Ibrahimov said.
According to him, in parallel, the company conducts exploration work in order to identify potentially promising mineral deposits.
"In particular, external testing work are carried out on the near and far flanks of the Chovdar field, and geophysical investigations are carried out in the nearby promising areas. As a result of ongoing test work, the promising Agyoukhush site was discovered at a distance of seven kilometers from the "Chovdar" field. Complex geological researches are already being carried out on this site," the Chairman of the Board noted.
CJSC AzerGold which started activity in July, 2016 is engaged in studying, research, investigation, management of deposits of precious and non-ferrous metals, their production, processing and sale, and also application in this sphere of new technologies, improvement of material and technical base and performance of other works connected with development of this area.