TODAY.AZ / World news

EU-Central Asia relations priority, Federica Mogherini says

21 December 2015 [16:34] - TODAY.AZ

The relations with the Central Asian countries are priority for the EU, Federica Mogherini, the High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission, said on December 21 in Astana, Novosti-Kazakhstan news agency reported.

Mogherini has traveled to Astana, where she chairs the 11th EU-Central Asia Ministerial Meeting.

A number of bilateral meetings will also take place in the margins.

“The partnership between us is very important, considering all the regional challenges and opportunities that we have. It is important to note that cooperation between us will be very beneficial and profitable for all our people, and for the world as a whole and for the region," said Mogherini.

The Ministerial Meeting brings together Ministers and Deputy Ministers from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, as well as the HRVP, European Commission said in its report.

The discussions focus on the development of overall relations between the EU and Central Asia, regional and international issues of mutual interest across a range of sectors, and fighting common threats and challenges.

Following the Ministerial, the High Representative/Vice-President and her counterpart, Erlan Idrissov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan will sign the European Union – Republic of Kazakhstan Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement.

The Agreement is expected to enhance EU-Kazakhstan relations in a wide range of sectors, including on political, economic and societal issues. It will replace the existing Partnership and Cooperation Agreement that has been in force since 1999.

/By Trend/


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