TODAY.AZ / Society

Unchain wild animals

26 June 2015 [09:52] - TODAY.AZ

/By AzerNews/

By Laman Sadigova

Some people are willing to pay a lot of money just for the fact of being an owner of wild animals in domestic conditions. Perhaps, they do not even think about how this depressed, deprived of its natural weapons, locked in a cage miserable creature can survive.

Moreover, human is not able to fully satisfy the needs of wild animals in captivity. Wild animals can travel several kilometers per day and it is scary to imagine how difficult for them to live in a cage.

Maintenance of wild animals in captivity is also a big risk and faces many problems.

Improper diet, stress, trauma and behavioral disorders are inherent for all wild animals living in domestic conditions. Getting medical care is extremely difficult, not only because it is illegal to keep exotic animals, but because it is necessary to find a good specialist who can properly treat the animal, not a vet who treats dogs and cats. In addition, many wild animals hide symptoms of illness, so not every doctor can accurately identify them.

Irresponsible attitude to pets, even to wild ones, is endangering the lives of both the animal and the owner’s as well as of the nearest neighbors.

Azer Garayev, the Chairman of the Azerbaijani Animal Protection Society said that Azerbaijani legislation prohibits keeping wild and exotic animals at home.

It should be noted that legal entities are required to pay a fine of 5,000-7,500 manat for the keeping wild animals in cages, officials – 2,000-2,500 and 200-500 for individuals.

In the Law "On Wildlife" it is clearly stated that any unlawful removal of animals from their natural habitat for contenting them in the private property or for entertainment is prohibited. It is necessary to have appropriate permission obtained in public authority responsible for the execution of this, in other words, from the Ecology and Natural Resources Ministry of Azerbaijan.

It is necessary to take into account the Convention on the International Trade in Species of Wild Fauna and Flora threatened with extinction. If you purchased an animal mentioned in one of the annexes and has no special certificate, it means that the animal was imported into the country illegally.


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