TODAY.AZ / Politics

'Russia attaches particular importance to ties with Azerbaijan'

07 July 2012 [10:35] - TODAY.AZ
First Vice-Speaker of Azerbaijan`s Parliament Ziyafat Asgarov and members of International Relations and Inter-parliamentary Relations committee of Milli Majlis have today met with Chairman of the Russian State Duma Committee on CIS affairs Leonid Slutsky and his accompanying delegation.

Addressing the meeting, Ziyafat Asgarov noted that Azerbaijan attaches great importance to the relations with Russia. He also expressed satisfaction on developing relations between the two countries.

The Vice Speaker praised national leader Heydar Aliyev`s great role on establishment of these relations. Stressing parliaments` role on further development of the bilateral relations Mr Asgarov added that friendship group which was established on the basis of the legislative bodies of both countries would contribute to expansion of the cooperation.

Noting the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict`s hold-up on the regional development, Mr Asgarov expressed confidence that Russia would continue its efforts for settlement of the problem.

The Vice Speaker also hailed Russia`s mediation efforts against the background of OSCE Minsk Group`s ineffective activity.

Chairman of Azerbaijani Parliament’s committee for international relations and inter-parliamentary ties Samad Seyidov highlighted importance of the meeting for exchanging of the experience and determining of new directions.

Samad Seyidov said that such meetings would contribute to the development of bilateral relations. Leonid Slutsky, in his turn, noted that Russia attaches particular importance to the relations with Azerbaijan and expressed satisfaction with his visit to the country.

He also stressed importance of the development of inter-parliamentary relations.


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