TODAY.AZ / World news

Georgia's NATO membership only depends on Alliance and country

12 June 2012 [15:54] - TODAY.AZ
Georgia's accession to NATO depends on the Alliance and Georgian side and no third country can interfere in this process, NATO special representative for South Caucasus and Central Asia, James Appathurai said before his departure from Tbilisi.

"Russia and NATO have good relations. However, Russia cannot intervene in the process of Georgia's accession to the Alliance and it will be possible as soon as Georgia meets NATO standards," he stressed.

Appathurai expressed satisfaction with the outcome of his visit and meetings held in Georgia. He met with Parliament's Speaker David Bakradze, Foreign Minister Grigol Vashadze, Deputy Prime Minister Giorgi Baramidze, representatives of the parliamentary majority and minority, non-parliamentary opposition and civil society.

"During the meeting with the authorities we have agreed that reforms in the country will continue and that parliamentary elections will be as transparent as possible," Appathurai said.

He confirmed that the next NATO summit will be an enlargement one and it only depends on Georgia whether it is included in the list of extensions. "If Georgia continues its reforms and holds elections in accordance with the European standards, then its accession to NATO will be real," he said.


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