TODAY.AZ / World news

Georgia and EU start talks on visa-free communication

04 June 2012 [17:15] - TODAY.AZ
The official dialogue on a visa-free process starts between Georgia and the EU today, Georgian first deputy foreign minister Nikoloz Vashakidze said today.

He said that Georgian foreign minister Grigol Vashadze is on a visit to Brussels. He will meet with European commissioner Cecilia Malmström. They will announce the beginning of a dialogue that must culminate on a decision on visa-free status between Georgia and the EU.

In November 2011, eight EU countries at the meeting of foreign ministers voiced the initiative to start the negotiations on visa-free regime and free trade with Georgia, by sending a letter to four EU High Commissioners.

The agreement on "Simplification of visa issuance procedures" in a single package with the agreement on "Readmission of persons residing without permission" came into force between Georgia and the EU on March 1, 2011.


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