TODAY.AZ / World news

Probe launched over Turkish official for denying 'Armenian genocide'

06 February 2012 [18:22] - TODAY.AZ
A Swiss prosecutor has launched a probe into Turkish EU Minister Egemen Bag?s for saying "the Armenian genocide doesn't exist," Hürriyet reported. "There is no Armenian genocide. Let them arrest me," Bag?s said last week following a question from a French reporter on the 1915 killings.

Zurich public prosecutor Christine Braunschweig confirmed the probe and told Dogan news agency that they were looking into whether or not Bagis had said the words.

"We will look into Minister Egemen Bagis' immunity," Braunschweig further said. "If there is anything illegal and if he does not have the diplomatic immunity, then we will file the lawsuit."

Bagis has refused to speak on the matter until the initial probe ends, daily Hürriyet reported.

/Hurriyet Daily News/


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