TODAY.AZ / World news

Iranian police busts international drug gang

31 May 2011 [12:20] - TODAY.AZ
Iran’s Anti-Drug Police has busted a major drug gang and seized 300 kilograms of methamphetamines, which is also called crystal meth, Tehran Times reported.

One of the biggest drug gangs in the region producing, distributing, and smuggling crystal meth was broken up, 15 members of the gang were arrested, and 300 kilograms of crystal meth were seized, Anti-Drug Police Chief Hamid Reza Hosseinabadi told reporters during a press conference on Monday.

"This gang’s trick was to convert solid crystal meth into liquid form and smuggle it into Southeast Asian countries in yogurt beverage bottles with fake labels," Hosseinabadi said.

Elsewhere in his remarks, the chief of the Anti-Drug Police said that Iran is currently facing another problem, namely the smuggling of ephedrine into the country from Iraq and Pakistan.

"We have reported this problem to the relevant international organizations," he added.

Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Hassan Qashqavi, the Malaysian and Thai ambassadors to Iran, and the Indonesian charge d’affaires to Iran also attended the press conference.

According to the Malaysian police, the majority of drug smugglers arrested in Malaysia are from Nigeria, Turkey, Iran, and Bulgaria. These criminals mostly sold illegal drugs to their compatriots in Malaysia.

Iran has mounted a major campaign against the production of illicit synthetic drugs, and Iranian police officials have announced that they are determined to prevent the smuggling of synthetic drugs out of the country.


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