Today.Az » Sports » Heydar Aliyev Cultural Center in Uzbekistan donates books to Tashkent State Pedagogical University
25 September 2024 [18:21] - Today.Az

The Azerbaijan Cultural Center named after Heydar Aliyev in Uzbekistan has donated a collection of books on Azerbaijani history, culture, literature, and language to the newly established Jadid Library at the Tashkent State Pedagogical University, a leading educational institution in Uzbekistan, Azernews reports.

At the event held at the Faculty of Uzbek Language and Literature of the mentioned University, the faculty dean, associate professor Firuza Burkhanova, highly praised the step taken by the Cultural Center and noted that books hold a special and significant place in enriching students' knowledge.

She mentioned that there is a great interest among students in Azerbaijani culture, literature, and language, and expressed gratitude to the Azerbaijan Cultural Center for this noble deed, adding that the books donated to their library will play a significant role in enhancing the youth's knowledge.

Deputy director of the Heydar Aliyev Azerbaijan Cultural Center in Uzbekistan Nadir Alimirzayev briefly spoke about the Center's activities and emphasized the important role of book publications in this area. He noted that the Cultural Center has implemented around 120 publishing projects, highlighting that works about Azerbaijan's culture, literature, and history will continue to be translated, published by the Center, and gifted to higher educational institutions and libraries.

N. Alimirzayev stated that the Azerbaijan Cultural Center will continue to publish works on relevant issues that highlight the literary and cultural connections between the two nations and states.

Following him, a staff member of the Azerbaijan Cultural Center and a Doctor of Philosophy Karimulla Mamedzade, presented the latest publishing projects, emphasizing that the publications prioritize the interests of Uzbek readers and address topics of interest to the Uzbek people regarding Azerbaijan.

K. Mamedzade pointed out that the works of Azerbaijani classics, which are significant for Uzbek literary studies, have been almost entirely translated into Uzbek and published.

He concluded by mentioning that the Cultural Center has published a two-volume "Kulliyat" in Uzbek, consisting of works by the great Azerbaijani poet Muhammad Fuzuli, released on the occasion of the poet's 530th anniversary. This two-volume set was also donated to classical literature enthusiasts.

Next, university professor Shukhrat Makhametov noted that this book collection is a priceless treasure for the students and a resource that will play an invaluable role in their development.

On behalf of the faculty and students, associate professor Mahbuba Orozbaeva expressed gratitude to the Azerbaijan Cultural Center for the collection of books donated to student Nasiba Abduzairova.

The donated editions mainly consist of books translated into Uzbek and printed by the Heydar Aliyev Azerbaijan Cultural Center in Uzbekistan.

Among these publications are works about the life and political activities of the national leader Heydar Aliyev, the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, representatives of classical Azerbaijani literature, culture, art, history, as well as materials on Armenia's aggressive policies against Azerbaijan, dictionaries and textbooks for Azerbaijani-Uzbek languages, phrasebooks, etc.

Note that the Heydar Aliyev Cultural Center in Tashkent plays a special role in the Azerbaijani-Uzbek relations in the field of culture, science, education, and tourism.

The center was opened on September 27, 2010, with the participation of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev.

Since then, the cultural center has successfully implemented a number of projects, aimed at strengthening the ties between the two countries.

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