Today.Az » Politics » Wikipedia distorts information about Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity
13 July 2009 [10:57] - Today.Az
Wikipedia, world-famous online encyclopedia, corrects mistakes in some of its articles too slowly or not at all.

Day.Az has received another letter of complaint from readers which says that Wikipedia page ( depicts a map where Nagorno-Karabakh has the same colour as Armenian territory. shows that Wikipedia has borrowed the map from Armenika which is full with false information about Karabakh, Armenia’s history, the so-called genocide, etc.

We can not but attribute this move by Wikipedia, which is aware of the delicacy of the situation around Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity, to inability to find other Web sites depicting Armenia’s map.

The map( depicts Armenika’s logotype which is a source of indignation and disappointment.

It not first case of false information about Azerbaijan by Wikipedia. Given Web site’s popularity, many use it as a source of information.

As to Wikipedia, this non-professional move can only be described as disrespect for Azerbaijan.

It can mislead readers by describing Nagorno-Karabakh as a part of Armenia, while the region has been part of Azerbaijan's since times immemorial.

We call on you to access the famous free Web site and correct the mistake about Azerbaijan’s history to prevent dissemination of false facts.


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