Today.Az » Politics » Josef Shagal: I do not think Knesset will seriously address the issue of Armenian "genocide" in the foreseeable future
16 June 2009 [11:22] - Today.Az
I do not think in the near future the Knesset will seriously address the issue of recognition of "Armenian genocide", said Josef Shagal, president of the International association "Israel-Azerbaijan", former deputy of the Israeli Knesset.

"Knesset will not do it if only the events of the earlier this year do not repeat, when Turkey sharply changed its policy on Israel. Turkey's interference with the internal affairs of the state and the unpleasant evaluation of the military actions of the Israeli army in the Gaza strip brought a note of conflict to the traditionally good relations between Turkey and Israel. The topic of "genocide" is becoming tougher on this note", said Shagal.

According to him, the topic of "genocide" firstly started to be discussed in Turkey.

"If isolate categories of Turkey started to speak seriously of the need to recognize "genocide", why should Israel deny existence of this "genocide"?

I think recognition of "genocide" does not meet interests of Turkey or Israel. I think these are nothing but talks. I do not think that Knesset will seriously address this issue in the foreseeable future", concluded the diplomat.


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