Today.Az » Politics » Consul general: Armenian Diaspora, unfortunately, missed the chance to have a positive impact on Armenia
08 June 2009 [12:11] - Today.Az
Day.Az interview with Consul General of Azerbaijan in Los Angeles Elin Suleymanov.

- Armenian media reported that not so long ago, the U.S. Armenians took to the streets to express dissatisfaction with Barack Obama about non-recognition of so-called Armenian Genocide in Turkey. Reports say that the action has taken a huge number of people. What occured in the reality?

- As far as I know, during the visit of President Obama to Los Angeles protest was held from the side of the Armenian Diaspora, though it was not large.

- Judging by your reports, many high-ranking U.S. officials congratulated  Azerbaijan on the Day of Republic. We know that on May 28 Armenia also celebrates the first day of the Republic, but the media did not report that Americans congratulated them as well. In general, it recently seems that Americans started to realize the situation in the Caucasus better and behave in the duly manner. What do you think of this?

- Indeed, it is gratifying to note that with each passing year, the number of American officials regularly congratulating Azerbaijan on the Day of Republic is growinf. For example, this year, such congratulations were received from the majority of the governors of western states that are members of the Consular District of the Consulate General in Los Angeles.

This, in turn, reflects a growing presence of Azerbaijan in the international arena as a result of a focused foreign policy of President Ilham Aliyev. Of course, this goes along with the growing understanding of the key role of our country in the region. In addition, the activities of the activists of Azerbaijani community in the U.S. is also crucial. Incidentally, on this occasion, I would like to express my gratitude to the Azerbaijani Society of America, the Azerbaijani-American Council, US Azerbaijanis Network - USAN, as well as the Azeri community of the city of Houston.

It is also important that the principles of equality, democracy and tolerance, which were the basics of the Azerbaijani statehood in 1918 and the continuation of which is the modern Republic of Azerbaijan, causes a positive response from the American public.

As for the festival on May 28 in Armenia, I do not have enough information about the congratulations toArmenians. Perhapns, such greetings and received. It probably is about priorities. For example, the Georgian community in California celebrated his feast on 26 May, and the most famous news story of the Armenian diaspora at the end of May was abovementioned information of picketing speeches of Barack Obama on May 27.

- Just before the meeting of the Presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia in St. Petersburg, many rushed to baptize them as historical. The Minsk Group co-chairs especially US co-chair Matthew Bryza also did not hold their emotions. What were the expectations of the meeting in the America?

- I think that the recent statements of President Aliyev and Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov made the issue of the negotiation process in general and the planned meeting in St. Petersburg clear. Matthew Bryza's words have become more restrained as well. Of course, the U.S. side would like to see an early agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

It seems that Bryza adhered to the striving, featuring the US friends, to support optimism, in his previous statements.

However, as clearly indicated in the position, presented by the leadership of Azerbaijan, the settlement must be based on real progress, but not on artificial optimism. Moreover, the dynamics of development in the region in recent times once again demonstrated that for Azerbaijan to protect its national interests and sovereignty is an absolute priority. I think the U.S. is beginning to understand and take this into account, along with the futile and unproductive approach of the Armenian side.

- It is known that the President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan has seriously ruined relations with the Armenian diaspora. This has been spoken of by the Armenian media and in Armenia. What is the mood of the Diaspora California, which is considered one of the largest in the States, and what do you think of this?

- Criticism of the Armenian authorities from certain circles in the Armenian Diaspora has been recently voiced. Particular dissatisfaction among the Diaspora is voiced on the negotiations between Ankara and Yerevan, and some elements of domestic policy of Serzh Sargsyan. Without going into details of such differences, I would like to note that the Armenian Diaspora, unfortunately, missed the chance to have a positive impact on Armenia.

Instead of helping Armenia to integrate into the region as an independent nation, the diaspora from the beginning contributed to the growth of violent radicalization and ethno-centrism in Armenian society. This in turn led to the isolation of Armenia, now fully dependent on external forces.

Such short-sighted and blind-alley approach not only complicates the process of settlement and pushed Armenia to permanent conflicts with its neighbors, it also inevitably leads to internal conflicts against the backdrop of a progressive weakening of Armenian statehood.

Yerevan and the diaspora, as well as their friend and advisers should have a realistic look on the situation and realize that without a speedy end to Armenian aggression and resolving conflict on the basis of international law, it is impossible to speak of the future of Armenia positively. It is for Armenian diaspora to decide whether the future of Armenis is so important for them.


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