Today.Az » Politics » Turkish MP: Naturally, Turkey would like to join the OSCE Minsk Group
05 June 2009 [11:11] - Today.Az

Naturally, Turkey would like to join the OSCE Minsk Group, said Mehmet Ceylan, deputy from the ruling Turkish party of Justice and Development and member of the Turkish group of the NATO parliamentary assembly, speaking about the possible joining of Turkey to the OSCE MG as its fourth co-chair.

According to him, at different conferences Turkey speaks of the peaceful resolution of the Karabakh conflict.

"Therefore, we would like to join this group. Turkey's intention to contribute to the conflict settlement in the Minsk Group framework is quite natural and normal. This is how it should be", noted the Turkish parliamentary.

He considers that Armenia must withdraw from the occupied Azerbaijani lands, restore the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and respect this country.

"Armenia wants opening of borders with Turkey, but at the same time it does not take any step for the peaceful resolution of the problem. We are waiting for this step", said he.

Our problems-relations between the countries and Nagorno Karabakh conflict- should not be viewed and assessed in separate. And they are really not viewed in separate. So our Azerbaijani brothers do not have to worry about it, noted Ceylan.

"Sometimes we hear that some mass medias or some oppositional parties in Azerbaijan disseminate unclear publications about Turkey, which is frustrating for us. Turkey will not leave Azerbaijan alone. No one has to worry about it", concluded the Turkish deputy.


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