Today.Az » Politics » Azerbaijani authorities not allow interfering in country's interior affairs
04 June 2009 [10:21] - Today.Az
Azerbaijan has never interfered in other countries' interior policies and will not allow anyone to interfere in its policy, Head of the Presidential Administration Public-Political Department Ali Hasanov told journalists on June 4.

"We have noted several times that Iran closely cooperates with the country which occupied Azerbaijan's territory. This fact contradicts the Muslim ideas and international law. Iran has no right to accuse Azerbaijan's foreign policy. We must do so that Iran's policy does not damage Azerbaijan and, respectively, Azerbaijan's policy does not damage Iran," Hasanov said.

Tehran is against the Israeli president's upcoming visit to Azerbaijan, scheduled for June 28.

The head of the Azerbaijani presidential administration does not believe Shimon Peres's upcoming visit to Baku is a blow for the Muslim world.

"If you remember, Azerbaijan several times sharply criticized this country's policy toward Palestine. Israel is an independent state and we see its both good and bad features. If any country makes mistake, it does not mean that we must not cooperate with it. If Iran accuses us, then why does this country closely cooperate with Armenia?" Hasanov said.

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