Today.Az » Politics » Mubariz Ahmedoghlu: "Serzh Sargsyan has a strongly developed provincial thinking"
18 February 2009 [12:25] - Today.Az

Serzh Sargsyan has a strongly developed provincial thinking, said head of the Center of political innovations and technologies Mubariz Ahmedoghlu, commenting on Sargsyan's statement that "those who consider that trades on Karabakh are held are deeply mistaken as Karabakh is our land, it is invaluable, therefore, it is inadmissible to trade in this issue".

According to Ahmedoghlu, first time this president took part in one of the panel sessions of the Munich conference.

"This panel was devoted to ensuring security on the Balkans and the Caucasus and made a statement, after which Armenian mass medias called him a great president with a genius mind. Sargsyan, who considered themselves a winner in international and internal issues, stated loudly that Nagorno Karabakh is an Armenian land", said he.

According to him, it is unclear then, why he suggested to President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev to invest into Nagorno Karabakh, thus recognizing that this land is Azerbaijani?

"What about the promises given to the Turkish side, in Moscow and in EU? I think that this is just the next farce of the Armenian leadership. In the end, Armenia must choose between the real solution and virtual imitations", said he.

"In turn, I can say to the Armenian President: yes, Mr.Sargsyan, you still have time to return the occupied Nagorno Karabakh and seven regions to Azerbaijan. In this case Azerbaijan will not apply radical methods of the conflict resolution. I think that in some time even if Sargsyan decides to return Nagorno Karabakh to Azerbaijan, this will not mean that Azerbaijan will not fight. Mr.Sargsyan, unless you have time, return Nagorno Karabakh and sevan occupied Azerbaijani lands to Azerbaijan", concluded Ahmedoghlu.


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