Today.Az » Politics » Minsk Group co-chairs plan to visit South Caucasus region
17 February 2009 [09:56] - Today.Az
French co-chair Bernard Fassier said that the co-chairs might visit the region later February, according to ANS TV.

The Co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group are planning to visit the region in coming few weeks. The main aim of the visit is to discuss the situation emerged aftermath the Zurich meeting between Armenian and Azerbaijani presidents, French co-chair of the group Bernard Fassier informed ANS TV. According to Mr. Fassier the presidents have already revealed their thoughts on how the conflict should be resolved. The main task of the co-chairs now is to review the ideas and deliver their proposals to both Foreign Minister and the Presidents, Mr. Fassier said.

French co-chair went on to say that the co-chairs were also working on arranging next meeting between the presidents. He again stressed that the war was unacceptable. Mr. Fassier underlined that the only way to the resolution of the conflict was to attain final agreement which will compel the both sides to take bold steps: "I think that first we need to thoroughly evaluate the situation in the region. Because, the recent events have changed the situation in the entire region. Our goal is to know how the parties asses the changes in the situation. We hope that the countries in the region will finally understand that the co-chairs were right when they stressed that there was no alternative way to the peaceful resolution to the conflicts. I state it again that the war is the suicide to all the parties."


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