Today.Az » Politics » Nardaran resident, declaring death fatwa to Azerbaijani deputy, arrested
26 January 2009 [13:16] - Today.Az

Residents of Nardaran village Ali Huseynov, Natik Kerimov, Feyyaz Nabizade and his son Urfan Nabizade were detained Saturday by officials of the department for work with organized crime, said F.Nabizade. He noted that the residents were taken to the police station where they were questioned about the recent protest in Nardaran.

Natik Kerimov, Feyyaz Nabizade and his son Urfan Nabizade were released at 20:00.

Ali Huseynov was kept in the police station. A criminal case under article 134 of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan (Threat of murder or damage to health) was instituted against him.

Currently, a group of settlement residents, protesting detainment of Huseynov gathered at Imam Huseyn's square in Nardaran. "We know that this occurred by Sabir Rustamkhanly's demand. But we spoke to him on the phone and said that the issue is closed. And though he agreed, the events proved otherwise", said Nabizade.

Notably, a number of radical slogans were voiced during a meeting in Nardaran on January 9. Slogans against Azerbaijani army, some state officials and deputies were changed.

Speaking at the meeting, Huseynov said that some intellectuals disinform people thus betraying their nation.

"Such prudent intellectuals as Sabir Rustamkhanly are betrayors of their nation. He tells a lie about Seher channel (Iranian TV channel is implied) which speaks about the problems of Azerbaijan. For these actions, one of the wise men of Nardaran issued a death fatwa on him".

At the same time Huseynov recommended to the deputy to increase the number of his bodyguards.


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