Today.Az » Politics » Mubariz Gurbanly: "Opposition is aware that it will not be able to collect signatures for establishment of agitation group on referendum"
23 January 2009 [11:53] - Today.Az
"No one creates hindrances to opposition in collection of signatures for establishment of the agitation group due to introduction of amendments to the Constitution", said deputy executive secretary of the Yeni Azerbaijan party Mubariz Gurbanly.

He noted that opposition is presenting false facts about hindrances created for it in collecting signatures.

"Such statements are spread because opposition knows in advance that it will not be able to collect the necessary number of signatures. By presenting such information it insures itself from undesirable results.

If a political structure has supporters, it is easy for it to collect 40,000 signatures. For example, the Yeni Azerbaijan party established an initiative group in a short period of time, collected 47,000 signatures, presented them to the Central Election Commission and registered as an agitation group.

Opposition powers, due to absence of consequent actions and as they are not supported by voters, are obliged to make up such legends", said he.

Notably, the referendum on introduction of amendments to the Azerbaijani Constitution is planned to be held on March 18.


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