Today.Az » Politics » Musavat party urges to stop pressure on activists engaged in signature collection
22 January 2009 [16:39] - Today.Az

The Musavat party has released a statement about pressure on activists of the civil movement "For Karabakh and Republic"  and the initiative  group "Republicans" while collecting signatures to establish an agitation group due to the participation in the referendum on introduction of amendments to the Azerbaijani constitution, reports Day.Az with reference to the press service for the party.

The statement says that the activists are imposed pressure and brought to police stations without any grounds and so on.

In particular, several days ago some activists of the Ganja city organization, including representative of Medjlis Cahangir Amirkhanly were called to the police station, where they were warned that  it is prohibited to collect signatures in the city.

Similar measures were taken against the chairman of the Khachmaz regional organizations and activists of the Popular Front Party.

In Calilabad, rethe representative of executive powers and head of the municipalities urged the citizens to reject signing.

The party urges to stop pressure on activists and punish police officers and representatives of executive powers.

Notably, the referendum of amendments to the Constitution is planned to be held on March 18.


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