Today.Az » Politics » Rasul Guliyev's party to hold talks with several parties on creation of a bloc
05 January 2009 [13:50] - Today.Az
The Open Society Party continues talks with the political structures due to creation of a bloc, said deputy chairman of the party Yagub Abbasov.

He noted that the party has already hold talks with chairman of the Great Creation Party Gazil Gazanfaroghlu, leader of the Adalyat Party Ilyas Ismaylov and heads of a number of political structures.

"The talks are related to the coordination of the activity of the parties in period of municipal elections. Talks are consultative and there is a plan to take a number of actions in their framework", noted he.

Abbasov also noted that the efforts of the party are aimed to attain the registration of the political structure in the Ministry of Justice.

"We have repeatedly contacted the officials of the Ministry of Justice on the said issue and they promised us to consider this issue at one of the sessions of the collegium", concluded Abbasov.

It should be reminded that the party is led by former speaker of Azerbaijani parliament Rasul Guliyev, currently residing in the United States.


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