Today.Az » Politics » Supreme Court dismisses Ruslan Bashirli's appeal
04 April 2007 [07:50] - Today.Az
Azerbaijan's Supreme Court presided over by judge Zeygem Huseynov has considered the case of leader of Yeni Fikir Youth Movement Ruslan Bashirli.

His lawyer Osman Kazimov told the APA the court dismissed his appeal and kept the decision of the Court of Appeals in force.

Kazimov noted they will appeal to European Court of Human Rights. "We got sure that Azerbaijani courts pass unjust decisions," the lawyer underlined.

Azerbaijani Court of Grave Crimes sentenced Ruslan Besirli to five years in jail. Court Appeals kept the decision of the court in force. The appeal to Supreme Court asked to release Ruslan Besirli, to bring him to acquittal and to compensate for moral and material damage.

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