Today.Az » Politics » 62 wanted datained by frontier guards
03 April 2007 [19:42] - Today.Az
The State Border Service detained 9 trespassers of whom five are Iranians, three are Georgians and one is Afghan.

25 trespassers were detained in 15 cases with 24 Azerbaijanis and one Georgian in March, State Border Service's press service told APA.

During the reporting period, 62 wanted were detained and handed over to law-enforcement bodies. As the result of appropriate actions against illegal migration, 8 men were detained for document forgery. Other two men were arrested when trying to pass the border with the passports of other people. Two Georgians were detained for passing the border illegally. During March, 49 Azerbaijanis, three Georgians, three Turkmen, one Iranian, one Turkish, one Ukrainian, one Russian and one Kyrgyz were arrested for not having documents. 41 Iranian, 12 Turkish, 5 British, three Ceylon citizens were detained by the State Border service. 14 detained were from India, Austria, Malaysia, Singapore, Lithuania, Uzbekistan, and Nigeria respectively 1 offender from these states. Thailand, Iraqi, Pakistani, Philippines, Algerian, Moroccan and Indonesian also were among trespassers.

3 boats and 75 offenders in 26 boats were detained and 17 528 meter fishing net and 2500 pieces of fish-hook were seized.

The State Border Service prevented transportation of smuggled goods worth AZN33 470 including one sport pistol, 4 kg gunpowder, 1370 liters diesel fuel, 21160 cigarette boxes, 12.5 kg caviar, 670 spare parts and other industrial and agricultural goods of different scale.

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