Today.Az » Politics » President Aliyev: "Reducing possible risks in Azerbaijan is one of the main duties of our foreign policy"
14 August 2006 [20:26] - Today.Az
"Azerbaijan's positions have been sharply strengthened in the region and in the world in the past two years.

"Mutual relations are established with all states on the basis of a very positive ground, mutual respect and confidence, and my visits to different foreign states show this," Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev said at the second meeting of the diplomatic service bodies' heads at the Foreign Ministry today.

The President reminded his official visits to UN Security Council five permanent member states in the past two years and a half, APA reports.

"This is a very good indicator. Azerbaijan is not a big country in terms of its population and territory. Our efficient relations with leading world states show Azerbaijan's importance, and on the other hand it is the result of Azerbaijan's foreign policy priorities. We have mutual and efficient relations with all states, and we are devoted to these principles," the head of state underlined.

President Aliyev also stressed importance of having a right information policy. "We should introduce ourselves to the world. The world is having more information about Azerbaijan. However, this is not enough. Therefore, Azerbaijan's hosting any international event targets two aims: on one hand this shows Azerbaijan's increasing role. On the other hand, this gives us an opportunity to show the realities on Azerbaijan to foreign representatives," he underlined.

The head of state stressed Azerbaijan is a leader in the world for economic development indicators.

"Our positions abroad, our activities in international organizations as well as on bilateral levels, of course, strengthen our country and prevents certain risks. This is very important. As we all are following and witnessing the ongoing processes in the world. Very undesirable events are happening in the region and in other places. Azerbaijan does not experience any of these events. We should protect our country. And our foreign policy should target this aim and its is targeting at present. Reducing possible risks in Azerbaijan maximally is one of the main duties of our foreign policy. As you see both interior situation and socio-political situation are very stable in Azerbaijan. Social situation is becoming better and possible risks are in minimum level in Azerbaijan," he concluded.

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